Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is Heroin the Horsemen in Revelations?

The following are the slang terms for heroin. Horse, George, Nixon, L B Johnson, Mexico, Jesus, White horse, Red horse, White house, Skulls and Bones, and Make me a sandwich!
There is a song for every name also!

YouTube - ZZ Top Jesus Just Left Chicago LIVE!!! 1980ZZ Top Jesus Just Left Chicago LIVE!!!

studio craft cafe* : d-labo(dream laboratory by SURUGA bank

A-bomb- marijuana and heroin smoked in cigarette
a la canona - abrupt ("cold turkey") withdrawal from heroin
baby- minor heroin habit
belly habit -heroin addiction resulting in stomach symptoms
black tar heroin-potent heroin from Mexico
blue velvet -combination of elixir terpin hydrate with codeine and tripelennamine (as weak heroin substitute)
blue velvet -combination of paregoric and PBZ (pyribenzamine or tripelennamine) used as a weak heroin substitute
chasing the dragon-inhaling vapors of heroin or cocaine heated on tin foil
chicken shit habit -small heroin habit, usually not addicted
chick -heroin
China white-very pure form of heroin, alternately a fentanyl analog used as a heroin substitute
cotton shooter -desperate addict who injects the residue from cotton used to filter heroin
daytime -high on drugs, especially heroin
dip and dab -experiment, especially with heroin
do up -inject a drug, especially heroin
evening -onset of heroin withdrawal (start of night time)
firing the ack ack gun-technique for smoking heroin by dipping tip of a tobacco cigarette in heroin (Asian slang)
floating -high on a drug, especially heroin
fluff-filtering heroin or cocaine through cloth (often a stocking) to increase its apparent bulk
goods -any drug, especially heroin
good sick-nausea following heroin injection
Harry Jones-heroin
heavy stuff -heroin or cocaine
Judas -heroin (a friend that betrays you)
King Kong -major heroin habit
man-heroin; drug dealer; the police
Mister Brownstone-hashish, brown heroin
monkey on one's back -addiction to a drug, especially heroin or opium
night time-heroin withdrawal
Nixon-low potency heroin
partying -using a drug, especially heroin; getting drunk
We the people, -high level heroin distributors
pineapple-heroin and Ritalin or amphetamine
poison people -heroin addicts
poor man's speedball-heroin and methamphetamine combo
red chicken -Chinese heroin
schmack -heroin
schmeck -heroin
schmecker -heroin user
score -price of a bundle of drugs, especially heroin
used as a heroin substitute
sleepwalker -heroin addict
speedball-injection of heroin and cocaine mixture
speedball artist-one who injects heroin and cocaine mixture
super flu -heroin withdrawal symptoms
take off artists -heroin addicts who rob other addicts to get drugs
taking care of business -heroin addicts life and actions on the street
tapping the bags -when dealers remove small amounts of heroin from a bag before selling it, thus short weighting the buyer
tecata -heroin
ten cent pistol -heroin dose laced with poison
T's and Blues -Talwin (pentazocine) and PBZ (pyribenzamine) used as a heroin substitute
T's and B's -Talwin (pentazocine) and PBZ (pyribenzamine) used as a heroin substitute
tease and bees
Talwin (pentazocine) and PBZ (pyribenzamine) used as a heroin substitute
tease and blues
Talwin (pentazocine) and PBZ (pyribenzamine) used as a heroin substitute
tease and pies
Talwin (pentazocine) and PBZ (pyribenzamine) used as a heroin substitute
teddies and bettys
Talwin (pentazocine) and PBZ (pyribenzamine) used as a heroin substitute
tops and bottoms
Talwin (pentazocine) and PBZ (pyribenzamine) used as a heroin substitute
tricycles and bicycles
Talwin (pentazocine) and PBZ (pyribenzamine) used as a heroin substitute
wired -intoxicated on amphetamines; addicted to heroin
AIP -heroin from Afghanistan, Iran, & Pakistan
Aries -heroin
Atom bomb -marijuana and heroin
Aunt Hazel-heroin
Back to back-smoking crack after injecting heroin or heroin used after smoking crack
Bad bundle-inferior quality heroin
Bad seed-peyote; heroin; marijuana
Balloon -heroin supplier
Belushi -cocaine and heroin
Big bag -heroin
Big H -heroin
Big Harry -heroin
Bindle-small packet of drug powder; heroin
Birdie powder -heroin; cocaine
Black pearl -heroin
Black stuff -heroin
Black tar -heroin
Bomb-crack; heroin; large marijuana cigarette;
high potency heroin
Bombido -injectable amphetamine; heroin; depressant
Bombita -amphetamine; heroin; depressant
Bombs away -heroin
Bonita -heroin
Boy -heroin
Bozo -heroin
Brick gum -heroin
Brown -heroin; marijuana
Brown crystal -heroin
Brown rhine -heroin
Brown sugar -heroin
Bundle -heroin
Butu -heroin
Caballo -heroin
Caca -heroin
Capital H -heroin
Caps -heroin; psilocybin/psilocin
Carga -heroin
Carne -heroin
Channel swimmer -one who injects heroin
Charley -heroin
Chasing the dragon -crack and heroin
Chasing the tiger -to smoke heroin
Chicle -heroin
Chieva -heroin
China cat -high potency heroin
Chinese red -heroin
Chip -heroin
Chucks -hunger following withdrawal from heroin
Cigarette paper -packet of heroin
Climax -crack; isobutyl nitrite; heroin
Cook -mix heroin with water; heating heroin to prepare it for injection
Cook down
process in which users liquify heroin in order to inhale it
Cotics -heroin
Cotton brothers -cocaine, heroin and morphine
Courage pills -heroin; depressant
Crap/crop -low quality heroin
Crown crap -heroin
Cura -heroin
Cut-deck -heroin mixed with powdered milk
Dead on arrival -heroin
Deck -1 to 15 grams of heroin, also known as a bag;
Deuce -$2 worth of drugs; heroin
Dime's worth -amount of heroin to cause death
Dirt -heroin
Dog food -heroin
Dogie -heroin
Doogie/doojee/dugie -heroin
Dooley -heroin
Dope -heroin; marijuana; any other drug
Dreck -heroin
Duji -heroin
Dust -heroin; cocaine; PCP; marijuana mixed with various chemicals
Dusting -adding PCP, heroin, or another drug to marijuana
Dynamite -heroin and cocaine
Dyno -heroin
Dyno-pure -heroin
Eightball -crack and heroin
Eighth -heroin
El diablito -marijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP
El diablo -marijuana, cocaine and heroin
Estuffa -heroin
Ferry dust -heroin
Flamethrowers -cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin
Flea powder -low purity heroin
Foo foo stuff -heroin; cocaine
Foolish powder -heroin; cocaine
Frisco special -cocaine, heroin and LSD
Frisco speedball -cocaine, heroin and LSD
Galloping horse -heroin
Gamot -heroin
Gato -heroin
George smack -heroin
Girl -cocaine; crack; heroin
Give wings -inject someone or teach someone to inject heroin
Glacines -heroin
Golden girl -heroin
Golpe -heroin
Goma -opium; black tar heroin
Good and plenty -heroin
Good H -heroin
Goofball -cocaine and heroin; depressant
Gravy -to inject a drug; heroin
H -heroin
H & C -heroin and cocaine
H Caps -heroin
Hache -heroin
Hairy -heroin
Half load -15 bags (decks) of heroin
Half piece -1/2 ounce of heroin or cocaine
Hard candy -heroin
Hard stuff -opium; heroin
Harry -heroin
Hazel -heroin
Heaven dust -heroin; cocaine
Helen -heroin
Hell dust -heroin
Henry -heroin
Hero -heroin
Hero of the underworld -heroin
Heroina -heroin
Herone -heroin
Hessle -heroin -
Him -heroin -
Hombre -heroin -
Hong-yen -heroin in pill form
Horning -heroin; to inhale cocaine
Horse -heroin
Hot dope -heroin
Hot heroin -poisoned to give to a police informant
HRN -heroin
Hype -heroin addict; an addict
Isda -heroin
Jee gee -heroin
Jive -heroin; marijuana; drugs
Jive doo jee -heroin
Jojee -heroin
Jolly pop -casual user of heroin
Jones -heroin
Joy flakes -heroin
Joy powder -heroin; cocaine
Junk -cocaine; heroin
Kabayo -heroin
Karachi -heroin
LBJ -LSD; PCP; heroin
Lemonade -heroin; poor quality drugs
Little bomb -amphetamine; heroin; depressant
Load -25 bags of heroin
Matsakow -heroin
Mayo -cocaine; heroin
Mexican brown -heroin; marijuana
Mexican horse -heroin
Mexican mud -heroin
Mojo -cocaine; heroin
Moonrock -crack and heroin
Morotgara -heroin
Mortal combat -high potency heroin
Mud -opium; heroin
Murder one -heroin and cocaine
Muzzle -heroin
Nanoo -heroin
New Jack Swing -heroin and morphine
Nice and easy -heroin
Nickel bag -$5 worth of drugs; heroin
Nickel deck -heroin
Nod -effects of heroin
Noise -heroin
Nose -heroin
Nose drops -liquified heroin
Number 3 -cocaine, heroin
Number 4 -heroin
Number 8 -heroin
Ogoy -heroin
Oil -heroin, PCP
Old Steve -heroin
P-dope -20-30% pure heroin
P-funk -heroin; crack and PCP
Pack -heroin; marijuana
Pangonadalot -heroin
Paper boy -heroin peddler
Parachute -crack and PCP smoked; heroin
Peg -heroin
Perfect High -heroin
Poison -heroin; fentanyl
Polvo -heroin; PCP
Poppy -heroin
Powder -heroin; amphetamine
Primos- cigarettes laced with cocaine and heroin
Pulborn -heroin
Pure -heroin
Quill -methamphetamine; heroin; cocaine
Racehorse charlie -cocaine; heroin
Ragweed -inferior quality marijuana; heroin
Rambo -heroin
Rane -cocaine; heroin
Ready rock -cocaine; crack; heroin
Red chicken -heroin
Red eagle -heroin
Reindeer dust -heroin
Rhine -heroin
Sack -heroin
Salt -heroin
Sandwich -two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin
Scag -heroin
Scat -heroin
Scate -heroin
Scott -heroin
Shmeck/schmeek -heroin
Skid -heroin
Sleeper -heroin; depressant
Slime -heroin
Smack -heroin
Smoke -heroin and crack; crack; marijuana
Smoking gun -heroin and cocaine
Snow -cocaine; heroin; amphetamine
Snowball -cocaine and heroin
Speedball -heroin and cocaine; amphetamine
Spider blue -heroin
Spoon -1/16 ounce of heroin;paraphernalia used to prepare heroin for injection
Stuff -heroin
Sugar -cocaine; LSD; heroin
Sweet Jesus -heroin
Sweet stuff -heroin; cocaine
T.N.T. -heroin; fentanyl
Tar -opium; heroin
Taste -heroin; small sample of drugs
Tecate -heroin
Tecatos -Hispanic heroin addicts
The beast -heroin
The witch -heroin
Thing -heroin; cocaine; main drug interest at the moment
Tootsie roll -heroin
Whack -PCP and heroin
White boy -heroin
White girl -cocaine; heroin
White junk -heroin
White lady -cocaine; heroin
White nurse -heroin
White stuff -heroin
Whiz bang -cocaine and heroin
Wings -heroin; cocaine
Witch -heroin; cocaine
Witch hazel -heroin
Z -1 ounce of heroin
red rum -potent form of heroin (murder spelled backward)
black tootsie roll -black tar heroin
white horse -Heroin
cheva -heroin
chiva -heroin

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